Why Werewolf by Night Didn’t Have a Post-Credit Scene?

Why Werewolf by Night Didn't Have a Post-Credit Scene?

Warning – The rest of this article contains spoilers for Werewolf by Night.

Werewolf by Night has broken the MCU trend of including a post-credits scene in every Disney+ project. The one-off Marvel Studios Special Presentation ended with a transition from black-and-white into color, with the final moments signified by classic “The End” text appearing on-screen.

Werewolf by Night, The End, Ending, Color

Up until now, every live-action, animated, and short series has featured a post-credit scene in at least one episode. These stingers have included jaw-dropping reveals, surprise twists, and the occasional hilarious joke.

Werewolf by Night director Michael Giacchino explained the omission, sharing that “It just felt like, we told our story. We’re good.”

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Giacchino went on to note how he thinks the MCU’s famous post-credit scenes “are fun,” but he didn’t want to “distract from the story [they] told:”

“I know those things are fun. I love those things. But I also felt like we don’t have to do them all the time. I don’t want to distract from the story we told. These characters are so important to me. I was like, ‘Let’s just end with our characters.’ Let’s just end with the idea of what’s next.”

Did Werewolf by Night Need a Post-Credits Scene?

Post-credit scenes and what they offer have become synonymous with the MCU, as they serve as the perfect tool for its interconnected storytelling. Tagging on that extra surprise after the credits roll allows Marvel Studios to tease what comes next without impacting the natural ending of the project.

Read this: Michael Giacchino Talks About the Cameo of Blade in Werewolf by Night

In the case of Werewolf by Night, just as Giacchino said, a post-credits scene was unnecessary as the ending already teased what’s next for these characters. Perhaps a connection to Blade or Moon Knight wouldn’t have gone amiss, such as seeing Elsa Bloodstone meet either character, but that was far from needed.

One can only wonder if the decision to omit a post-credits scene from Werewolf by Night was unique to this special or something that will carry into future Marvel Studios Special Presentations. That answer ought to become apparent later this year when The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special hits Disney+.

Werewolf by Night joins Avengers: Endgame in an exclusive club as the only two MCU outings not to feature a post-credits scene. Marvel Studios allowing Giacchino to follow through on his decision to omit a post-credits scene, just as he pushed for the black-and-white format, clearly showcases the creative freedom he was given.

Werewolf by Night is streaming now, exclusively on Disney+.

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