11 Countries With Real Names Different Than The Ones Mentioned in World Map

11 Countries With Real Names Different Than The Ones Mentioned in World Map

As you may know, many countries and regions are on the world map are not the same as their real names ( the names they originally have). There are many countries like Japan, Finland, etc. But, today, we will tell you the real names of 11 not-so-famous countries. 1. Austria 2. Armenia 3. Bhutan 4….

9 Female Hollywood Celebrities’ Real Names That You Might Not Know

9 Female Hollywood Celebrities’ Real Names That You Might Not Know

Many celebrities make up their stage names because either their real names are not memorable enough, they want to limit their profession from their personal lives, or they don’t want to share similar names with other celebrities. So we got you 9 female Hollywood celebrities who have stage names different than their real names that…