
Kingdom Chapter 715 Raw Scans show the Qin overwhelmed by the Zhao!

Will Riboku’s tactical genius bear fruit? What will the Qin army do now that they face overwhelming odds against the Zhao army? Will the Zhao army find a way out or will Riboku’s plan succeed? Read this article to find everything about Kingdom Chapter 715!

Spoilers for Chapter 715

*Riboku receives a report that all the soldiers are out on the battlefield. Bafuuji volunteers to go out first. Bananji tells him to give his all on the field. 

*Riboku calms his troop and asks them not to take extra pressure. Baafuji says that he has been looking forward to fighting under him for ages. 

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*In fact when Riboku brought peace to the north everybody in the north accepted that Riboku was the true ruler of the north. 

*Everyone in the Zhao camp is quite excited to fight alongside Riboku and win the war. Someone tells him that he will be the “King” one day. The Gian general says that the Qin must be surprised at the number the northern army has and says they would win on the basis of it alone. 

*Riboku believes the same, although he accidentally says that this was only a “plan”, not what he believed would happen. He then corrects himself. 

*Meanwhile, on the Qin side there is general disbelief and shock since it does not seem possible for a person to have been able to predict all of this.

*Mouten is wondering how Riboku anticipated the Qin army would attack Gian. Now they are left in a trap with nowhere to go back to. 

*Riboku calls his troops to attack as Mouten is trying to find a way out. They are still wondering if there is a way out of this situation since the Zhao army seems to be attacking the Qin from every side. 

*Heki says that it is too late to send for enforcements as their formation is already breaking. 

Release Date of Kingdom Chapter 715

Kingdom Chapter 715 will be released in the second week of April.

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Where to read Kingdom?

There is no legal website to read Kingdom. But you can do it here. Kingdom Chapter 709 will be released in the third week of February 2022.


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