This is How It Will Look If People Lagged in Real Life (Video)

Daniel LaBelle is a 32 years old Youtuber from Chicago, USA, with 1.88 Million subscribers. He started his Youtube channel in 2009. To date, his channel has around 381 Million views in total.


The Youtuber aims at making people smile through his short physical comedy videos. On his Youtube channel, he has said: “I love the art of nonverbal communication. It’s incredible how much can be said without speaking a word.”

He has started a series called “If People Lagged in Real Life” on his Youtube channel Daniel LaBelle. The series includes 10 compilations of short physical comedy videos illustrating how it will look if people lagged in real life. Each of the videos of this series has millions of views.

Credits: Daniel LaBelle/ Youtube
Here is the compilation video of the whole ‘lagging series’ ( with 12 Million+ views) on his Youtube channel :

Daniel is making people smile with his short and nonverbal comedy videos also on TikTok with around 4.5 Million followers. On Instagram, he has 927k followers who are near to a million. He is also a professional wedding and personal brand photographer.

Daniel has created other funny series like ‘If people did everything aggressively’, ‘People v/s Cartoons’, and ‘Sounds’. Click here to watch them.

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