Expectations v/s Reality of Every Quarantine-Stricken Person

Have you ever wondered why this pandemic happened? Maybe it’s because many of us did not forward that message to 10 more people. But now it’s done. This time’s main concerns are- what should I eat next? and what should I wear to the living room today? We bring you 7 expectations versus reality illustrations by blogicomics for all the quarantine-stricken people with keeping the pandemic in mind.

1. Home Workouts

No pain, no gain. And home is a safe place, so no pain. Hence, no gain.

expectation v/s reality during quarantine
Credits: blogicomics

2. Online Classes

Online classes? More like “off-line” classes because my mind is off to somewhere fun.

expectation v/s reality during quarantine
Credits: blogicomics


3. Quarantine Snacks

A little too much snacking it is. Maybe I need to practice social distancing from the snacks.

credits: blogicomics


4. Trying New Recipes

Let’s be honest, we all have a chef in us. I mean, he may not be perfect, but he is there.

Credits: blogicomics


5. Online Shopping

Shopping brings happiness, but online shopping brings disappointments too.

Credits: blogicomics


6. Work From Home

Home-work grew-up and became work-from-home.

Credits: blogicomics


7. Waking Up

I am so lazy not because I wake up late every morning, but because I made it a habit of every morning.

Credits: blogicomics

We are superheroes. We all got to save the world that too by just staying at home. Once this pandemic is over, we will be the ultimate “Quarantine Survivors”. We are the true warriors. If you find this article relatable, then follow blogicomics on Instagram and share it with your friends. For more such content, visit us at thenewsfetcher.com

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